Wednesday, November 5, 2008

O Christ, the King of Glory

O Christ, the King of glory,
Seated at God's right hand;
To Whom all power is given,
Now to us gives command:
"Into this world I send you,
The Gospel to proclaim,
To every tribe and nation
Declare My saving name."

O Christ, the King of glory,
Endue us with Your power;
The Holy Ghost descending
With grace for this dark hour.
For we, so weak and helpless
Need power from above,
To do this Great Commission
In faith, and hope, and love.

O Christ, the King of glory,
Hell's gates let us assail;
O Jesus, mighty Captain,
Lead on, we shall prevail.
All idol gods shall tremble,
And cast down to the ground,
Discipled heathen nations
Shall honor Jesus' crown.

Tune: Johann Steurlein, 1575
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008

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