Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Have You Not Known?

Have you not known nor heard?
Has none of this been told?
Above the circle of the earth,
Jehovah sits enthroned.

Have you not known nor heard?
God of eternity,
Creator of the universe,
Shall never fainting be.

To whom shall we compare,
And who has equal fame?
For God brings out the starry host,
And calls each one by name.

Young men may faint and fall,
Be ruined utterly;
But those who wait upon the Lord,
Shall like the eagles be.
Tune: New Hope, Ananias Davisson, 1820
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

O Sing Aloud to God Our Strength
Psalm 81

O sing aloud to God our strength,
With joy lift up your voice;
To Jacob's God all raise a shout,
And let your heart rejoice.

Now bring your instruments of praise,
This joyful psalm to sing;
The pleasant harp, the lute most sweet,
And let the timbrel ring.

The time has come, the trumpet blow,
Announce this festal day;
The statute of our solemn feast,
We joyfully obey.

O come you people, heed God's voice,
And walk in all His ways;
He turns His hand against our foes,
Subdues our enemies.

The Lord is good, He shall supply,
Now open your mouth wide;
He with the choicest foods shall feed,
Till all are satisfied.

Tune: Lincoln tune, West Gallery Psalter, unknown date
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2009
( each part sings a line from each verse, then all sing together repeating the last two lines.)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Word Made Flesh

Creator of the universe,
The Word made flesh, and for our curse,
In great humiliation came,
To bear our sin, our guilt, and shame.

He made the trees, the rocks and hills,
The rolling fields, the sun that fills
This world with ever-shining light;
The splendor of the stars of night.

To Him a crown of thorns was giv'n,
A mocking robe, by madness driv'n;
And nailed upon a cross of wood,
Upon a lonely hill it stood.

The sun grew dark above His head,
The sky in which His fingers spread
The sun, the moon, the stars of space;
Shone not upon His bloodied face.

The ground grew wet with drops of blood,
And all around we sinners stood,
That He, forsaken in our place,
Might wash us by His loving grace.

Tune: Brookfield, William Billings, 1770
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008