Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We All Believe in One True God

We all believe in one True God,
Maker of heav'n and earth;
In Jesus Christ, His only Son,
Our Lord of matchless worth.

Who by the Spirit was conceived,
Born of the Virgin's womb;
Miraculous, mysterious,
To our lost world did come.

He suffered under Pilate's hand,
And on a cross He died;
His body placed within a tomb,
Where three days He must lie.

But death and hell could not contain
Our Lord, the mighty Son;
He rose triumphant from the grave,
O'er death the vict'ry won.

Then into heav'n ascending high,
He reigns at God's right hand;
And from His throne He'll come again,
As Judge o'er ev'ry land.

The Holy Spirit, we believe,
And in one, holy Church;
The blest communion of the saints,
From ev'ry land on earth.

And in the Gospel, we believe,
Sin's remedy in Christ;
The Resurrection of the dead,
And everlasting life.

Now we confess and we adore
The Father and the Son,
The Holy Spirit, all divine;
The Everliving One.
Tune: Irish, folk song, 1749
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008

1 comment:

Mike & Mary said...

Brian, is there any way you could get an MP3 file of your self or you and others singing this and the sheet music with guitar chords if you have it?

I really like the wording.