Friday, June 27, 2008

Come, Let Joyful Songs Arise
Psalm 96

Come let joyful songs arise,
In new exalted strains;
Lift your voices to the skies,
The Lord, Jehovah, reigns.
Sing a new song to the Lord,
And bless His holy name;
His salvation tell abroad,
From day to day proclaim.

Now before the nations sing,
And make His glories known;
To the Lord your praises bring,
For wonders He has shown.
Idol gods of lifeless stone,
Are made by foolish men;
Fear the Lord, and Him alone,
And let your praise ascend.

O give glory to the Lord,
Give glory to His name;
O give glory to the Lord,
His pow'r and strength proclaim.
Bring an off'ring, come bow down,
Into His courts draw near;
Worship at His temple now,
Tremble with godly fear.

Let the heav'ns and earth rejoice,
Let all creation sing;
Let all make a joyful noise,
To God their tribute bring.
For He comes to judge the earth,
A righteous Judge is He;
Of ev'ry heart He shall search,
With truth and equity.

Tune: Błogosławiony człowiek (Psalm 1 tune), Waclaw z Szamotul
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

God is Our Refuge ~ Psalm 46

God is our refuge and our strength,
Our present help in troubles sore;
Though earth be moved, we will not fear;
Though mountains shake and waters roar.

There is a river by whose streams–
A river of refreshing grace,
Makes glad the city of our God;
Jerusalem, His dwelling place.

Since God is nigh, she stands unmoved,
Though nations rage, we shall not fear;
He speaks with pow’r, the kingdoms move;
He breaks the bow, He cuts the spear.

Be still and know that I am God,
Exalted over ev’ry land;
My praise extends throughout the earth,
My sovereignty forever stands.

The Lord of hosts shall ever be
Our hope, our strength, our refuge strong;
The God of Jacob guards His own,
Whose name alone inspires our song.
Tune: St. Paul's, Anonymous
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What Shall I Render to the Lord?

What shall I render to the Lord
For all His benefits to me?
Salvations' cup I'll take in hand,
And bless God for His mercy free.

Within His courts, I'll pay my vows,
And with His people thanks I'll bring;
A sacrifice of praise to God,
Let all His saints rejoice and sing--

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


Tune: Tallis Canon, Thomas Tallis, 1560
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008 (verse 3, Thomas Ken, 1693

Gloria in Excelsis (new)

Glory to God in highest heav’n,
On earth peace and goodwill toward men.
We praise You and we bless Your name;
With grateful thanks, Your glory proclaim;
Our adoration now we bring,
To You, O Lord, our heav’nly King;
With joy we glorify
Our Father, God Most High.

Lord Jesus Christ, O Holy One,
The Lamb of God, the Father’s Son;
Have mercy on us now we pray,
Take all our sin and guilt away;
At God’s right hand, upon the throne,
O Lord our King, the Cornerstone;
Have mercy, show us grace,
Before our Father’s face.

Come Holy Spirit, Light from above,
Inflame us with the Savior’s love;
A brighter faith and hope impart,
O write Your Law within our hearts;
And lead us in the way of Christ,
A holy, living sacrifice;
Come Holy Spirit, now,
Your saints with love endow.
Tune: Macht Hoch Die Tur ~ Johann A. Freylinghausen, 1704
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2007

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unless the House is Built by God Psalm 127

Unless the house is built by God,
The builders shall labor in vain;
If cities lack His watchful eye,
The watchman's vigil is in vain.

Why do you vainly rise at dawn,
And why in vain late hours keep?
Shall you the bread of sorrows eat?
Yet, God shall give His loved ones sleep.

Our children are God's heritage,
And the womb's fruit, a great reward;
Like arrows in the warrior's hand,
So are the children from the Lord.

Happy the man whose quiver is full,
Within the gates they have no shame;
Before their foes they speak with strength,
The blessing of a godly name.

Tune: Wareham, William Knapp, 1738
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We All Believe in One True God

We all believe in one True God,
Maker of heav'n and earth;
In Jesus Christ, His only Son,
Our Lord of matchless worth.

Who by the Spirit was conceived,
Born of the Virgin's womb;
Miraculous, mysterious,
To our lost world did come.

He suffered under Pilate's hand,
And on a cross He died;
His body placed within a tomb,
Where three days He must lie.

But death and hell could not contain
Our Lord, the mighty Son;
He rose triumphant from the grave,
O'er death the vict'ry won.

Then into heav'n ascending high,
He reigns at God's right hand;
And from His throne He'll come again,
As Judge o'er ev'ry land.

The Holy Spirit, we believe,
And in one, holy Church;
The blest communion of the saints,
From ev'ry land on earth.

And in the Gospel, we believe,
Sin's remedy in Christ;
The Resurrection of the dead,
And everlasting life.

Now we confess and we adore
The Father and the Son,
The Holy Spirit, all divine;
The Everliving One.
Tune: Irish, folk song, 1749
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

O Blest is Every Man ~ Psalm 128

O, blest is ev’ry man who fears the Lord above,
Who walks within His ways,
From straight paths never moved.
And by his hands, So he shall eat, His labor’s sweet, A happy man! (2x)
Within his blessed home, his wife shall ever be,
A fruitful vine of joy,
That brings prosperity.
Like olive plants, His table ‘round, Children are found, Posterity! (2x)
The man who fears the Lord, such blessings he shall find;
Now to Jerusalem,
The Lord be good and kind.
And may you see, With happy eyes, Children arise, And Israel’s peace! (2x)

Tune: Lenox, Lewis Edson, 1782
Lyrics: Brian L. Penney 2008