Saturday, August 18, 2007

Heidelberg Q/A 1

The Heidelberg Catechism is one our doctrinal standards at Christ Covenant Church. It has been around since 1563, and has been the much-loved tool of teaching the Reformed Faith in many churches that have Reformation roots. Probably the most familiar Q/A is the first one, and it captures well the basics of personal faith in Christ. CCC has a new children's Sunday School class coming up in September and the song below is an attempt to put Q/A 1 into song. You can find the tune here:

I Belong to Jesus

Oh, what is your comfort, in life and in death?
And where does your hope, and your confidence rest?
That I, with both body and soul, do belong
To Jesus my Savior, to Him alone.

He's paid for my sins with His own precious blood;
He loved me, forgave me, and promised me good.
From all of the pow'r of the Devil set free;
He's purchased my pardon, He ransomed me.

My heavenly Father, in love, day by day,
Preserves me and keeps me in such a way,
Not even a hair can fall from my head;
But works together for salvation, instead.

And now by the Spirit, the Spirit divine,
He also assures me that His life is mine;
And so makes me willing and ready to live,
A life that is pleasing, obedient to Him.

lyrics: Rev. Brian L. Penney 2007 (from the Heidelberg Cathecism Q/A 1)
tune: "I Love Thee", Jeremiah Ingalls, 1805

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