Friday, March 14, 2008

Lift Up Your Heart

Lift up your heart, your off’rings bring;
Lift up your voice, His praises sing;
With heart and voice, to God give praise,
With thankful hearts, sing of His grace.

‘Twas by the Father’s sovereign plan,
To give His Son, and made like man;
To bear our sins upon the Tree,
From sin and death to set us free.

Look to the heav’ns at God’s right hand,
Behold the risen Son of Man;
See our High Priest, our Savior, King;
Now at His footstool tribute bring.

His Kingdom comes by pow’r divine,
Not by the arms of man’s design;
But by the Spirit from above,
Who fills our hearts with faith and love.

Now to the Father, and the Son,
And to the Spirit, Three in One;
With heart and voice, to God give praise,
With thankfulness for all our days.
tune: Cameronian Midnight Hymn (Scottish tune)
lyrics: Brian L. Penney, 2008