Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Word of God calls on the people of God to sing, to sing joyfully and skillfully as is fitting to the worship of our great Creator and Redeemer. Singing with joy and skill takes instruction, effort, and practice. Not everyone can sing like Pavarotti; not everyone can sing with a commanding solo voice. And who said we had to? Just as the Scriptures tell us that we are members of the Body of Christ, and each member has a different function in the Body, so it is with singing in congregational worship.

But for many, worship psalms and hymns, whether contemporary or traditional, are almost impossible to sing. Is everyone a soprano? Is everyone a tenor? Why do they write songs like that? What is the solution? Well, the solution is finding your place, finding your voice! You see, if you have a bass voice, there’s no sense in singing the melody an octave lower (which usually doesn’t work throughout the whole song anyway). The solution is singing the harmony part written especially for a bass voice, or the alto voice or the tenor voice.

This is where Heart & Voice can solve the problem! We will teach you to sing a harmony part that fits your voice range, and the result will be this: joyful and skillful singing to the glory of God! That’s our purpose in this website, our Singing School, our choir and our CD recordings...to provide you with the resources you need to improve your singing in congregational worship.

Above you see the Heart & Voice purpose statement that will be on the forthcoming website. We hope to have the website up and running sometime in January. It is our prayer that this ministry would be a catalyst in encouraging not only great singing, but great congregational singing, and lead toward a return to what is called in our circles, Covenant Renewal Worship. So many churches have dumped “traditional” music and “traditional” liturgies, and have bought into a “contemporary” service that conforms to the surrounding culture, rather than training that culture in biblical forms of music and worship. We want to change that trend, and we want to do it with beauty and excellence, so that what we say and do are attractive to those who have never experienced the great music of the Church( old and new), nor Her great liturgical traditions.

Please pray for this ministry! Thanks!

Pastor Brian

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Heart & Voice test video

Here is a test video that we may use pointing to our forthcoming website. Many thanks to Jonathan Penney!

Merry Christmas

A Virgin Most Blessed

A virgin most blessed, as the prophets did proclaim,
Gave birth to a baby, and Jesus was His name;
To be our Redeemer from death, hell and sin,
Which Adam's transgression had wrapped us in.

In Bethlehem of Judah, a city far away,
Poor Joseph and Mary sought a place they could stay;
And there to be registered with all of there kin,
For Caesar had commanded; they were of David’s line.

But when they had entered that city so small,
They found at the inn there no lodging at all.
Then were they constrained in a stable to stay,
Where horses and cattle were given their hay;

So in that rude stable, our Saviour was born,
The King of all kings, on that first Christmas morn;
There Mary had swaddled her young son so sweet,
In a manger for oxen, she laid him to sleep.

Then God sent His angels in glory shining bright;
To shepherds of that country, watching flocks by night.
And to them was given good news of great joy;
A Saviour, Christ the Lord, is born to you this day.

Rejoice and be merry,
Put sorrows away!
Christ Jesus, our Saviour,
Was born for us this day.
So we, like the angels who sing glory above,
Give praise to the Lord, Who has shown to us His love!

lyrics: English traditional Carol ~ revised Rev. Brian L. Penney
tune: Virgin Most Pure